What do I do if I can't come to class - instructions for in-person students

All components of Physics 102 are built so that it is possible to attend remotely. See below for how to proceed for each in-person component of the class if you need to stay home but feel well enough to participate

If you do not feel well enough to participate in class, you should opt for the excused absence option instead of trying to attend remotely. Please see the course attendance policy page for more information.


Both the 11am and 12pm lectures are broadcast over Zoom and recorded for later viewing. No prior arrangements are necessary to get lecture credit with remote attendance. If you are in quarantine or have a mild illness that you believe may be communicable, you should attend the lecture remotely. You will be able to participate in the menti polls using your phone or other device, and you will still be responsible for completing your minute papers in Gradescope within a week of the lecture date.

If you do not feel well enough to participate you may view the lectures asynchronously. Once you feel well enough you should complete the minute papers. If your illness is extended please contact Prof. Ansell for an extension in Gradescope.



If your building status has lapsed, you are in quarantine, or have symptoms of a communicable illness you may attend discussion remotely via Teams. To get credit for participation and the first quiz attempt you must contact your discussion TA at least 20 minutes in advance and include evidence of that you cannot attend discussion for one of the reasons listed above. Evidence can include:

Your TA will not stop you from attending discussion remotely via Teams or from taking your quiz on the day of discussion, but if you do so without giving proper prior notice you will not be given credit in the my.physics gradebook for the participation and first quiz attempt.


The policies for remote lab attendance are the same as for discussion. Whether you attend lab or not, you are still responsible for completing your Prelab on time in flipitphysics.


If your building status has lapsed, you are in quarantine, or have symptoms of a communicable illness you may get your exam proctored online. You will need to contact Prof. Ansell to get added to the online CBTF course. If you are feeling ill on the day of your exam you can change your reservation to a later day. If you are still feeling unwell by the end of the exam period you should get documentation to excuse the missed exam.