Physics Department
University of Illinois at
Space, Time, & Matter
Fall 2012
General information
Time and location:
DISCUSSION/ WRITING SESSION: Tuesdays, 4-5p, 158 Loomis (next to lecture room).
• 419 students: Prof. Leggett will remain opening to discussing your progress and drafts for the term paper, subject to availability (consulting him earlier is always better!). The final draft of your term paper is due by class time on the last day of class (11 December), with no
late submissions accepted.
• The final exam is on Friday, 14 December, 7p-10p. It will be in the usual lecture room, 144 Loomis. The exam will be the standard 3-hour 'closed-book' type; the general nature of the questions will be similar to that of the earlier short writing assignments, but they are likely to be more wide-ranging than the latter, which were usually restricted to the specific topics which were being covered at the time.
• Please be sure read the information sheet, handed out on the first day.
Written Assignment #5 – final Written Assignment; due by class time (2p) on Thursday, 8 November.
Lecture notes
posted beginning with lecture 6