Physics Department
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Physics 598
Physics in Two Dimensions.
Fall 2009
General information
Time and location:
Time: Mon Wed 4:00 - 5:20 p.m.
Place: 144 Loomis Laboratory
A.J. Leggett (2113 ESB) Office hour 2.0 - 3.0 p.m. Thur
Victor Vakaryuk (4119 ESB) Office hour 2.0 - 3.0 p.m. Wed
Syllabus and schedule of lectures (provisional)
Tentative lecture syllabus for second half of course
Written assignments
Problem sheet 1
Problem sheet 2
Problem sheet 3
Problem sheet 4
Problem sheet 5
Problem sheet 6
Problem sheet 7
Lecture notes
Lecture 4. Localization I: General considerations, one-parameter scaling
Lecture 5. Weak localization: Quantitative treatment
Lecture 6. Weak localization: Effects of magnetic fields and spin
Lecture 7. Effects of interactions in a disordered system
Lecture 8. Ginzburg-Landau Theory
Lecture 9. Long-range order in (quasi-) 2D systems
Lecture 10. The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition
Lecture 11. Statistics and dynamics of the BKT transition
Lecture 12. Experimental tests of the BKT theory
Lecture 13. The superconductor-insulator transition in dirty metallic films
Lecture 14. More on the S-I transition: normal-metallic phase at T = 0
Lecture 15. Aspects of two-dimensionality in the cuprates
Lecture 16. The quantum Hall effect: general considerations
Lecture 17. The integral QHE: Topological considerations, edge states
Lecture 18. The fractional quantum Hall effect: Laughlin wave function, fractional charge and statistics.
Lecture 19. Composite fermions: Experimental evidence for fractional charge and statistics
Lecture 20. The quantum Hall effect: miscellaneous topics
Lecture 21. Graphene I: Electronic band structure and Dirac fermions
Lecture 22. Graphene II: Quantum Hall effect
Lecture 23. Graphene III: Disorder, transport, interactions
Lecture 24. Topological quantum computation: the general idea
Lecture 25. The Kitaev models
Lecture 26. The \nu = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall effect
Lecture 27. p + ip Fermi superfluids