PHYS 102 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Practice: Homework
Homework is assigned and distributed within the homework system, smartPhysics and is due according to the course schedule.
You must work the problems before the deadline in smart.physics to receive full credit for the homework.
Homework problems are designed to:
- Evaluate conceptual understanding.
- Develop problem-solving skills.
The web-based homework covering each week's material is due the following week.
To start work on a homework assignment:
- Go to smartPhysics
- Select the assignment for the week.
- Each problem, or part thereof, may be worked an unlimited number of times.
- Full credit for each correct problem will be awarded when an assignment is completed before the deadline.
- Up to 90% credit will be awarded for finishing a problem up to the Friday before the relevant exam.
- Up to 70% credit will be awarded for finishing a problem by the end of the semester.