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PHYS 199 HM - Honors Mechanics

Last offered Fall 2009

Official Description

Course Information: Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

Section Description

HONORS SEMINAR: TOPICS IN MECHANICS. PREREQUISITES: CONCURRENT REGISTRATION IN PHYS 211 AND CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR. PHYS 199HM CAN BE USED TO SATISFY THE HONORS COMPONENT OF PHYS 211. PHYS 199HM is the honors supplement to PHYS 211 and is intended for those students intending to major in physics or who have a strong interest in the subject. Areas to be addressed include rotational and central force motion, non-inertial frames, non-linear systems and post-Newtonian mechanics. The use of simple visualization tools such as Mathematica and Excel will be encouraged.
Honors MechanicsHM34870LCD11600 - 1750 M  232 Loomis Laboratory Naomi C R Makins