PHYS 404 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Welcome to Physics 404 - Electronics

Welcome to PHYS 404 in Spring 2025!

1/20: We will have our first lab session starting Tuesday afternoon 1-3:50pm (L2 session), and Wednesday morning 9-11:50am (L3 session).

2/1: Please submit all assignments through gradescope. For those of you who have not used gradescope in your other courses, instead of creating a new account, you need to log in with "School Credentials". If you are having trouble with gradescope contact

2/10 (Monday): HW1 due by midnight. Please submit through gradescope.

2/23 (Sunday): Lab1 report due by midnight (extended from 2/16).

3/2 (Sunday): Lab2 report due by midnight. 

3/10 (Monday): HW2 due by midnight.

3/31 (Monday): HW3 due by midnight.

4/14 (Monday): HW4 due by midnight.

4/20 (Sunday): Lab 4 report due by midnight.