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PHYS 513 - Quantum Optics & Information

Last offered Spring 2025

Official Description

Experimental and theoretical fundamentals of quantum information, using nonclassical features of quantum physics (wave-particle duality, superposition, and entanglement) to surpass the information-processing capabilities of classical systems. Underlying fundamental quantum phenomena, including tests of nonlocality, quantum erasers, the quantum Zeno effect, squeezed light, multi-particle interference, state transformations of the Bloch sphere, and decoherence; quantum cryptography and teleportation; quantum information theory; quantum computation algorithms and techniques for error correction; experimental "qubit" systems. Course Information: 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite: PHYS 486 is recommended.

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Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Pbk). 2000. Cambridge University Press
The Physics of Quantum Information: Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum Computation. 2000. Springer (recommended)

Quantum Optics & InformationA53201LEC41530 - 1650 T R  3217 Everitt Laboratory Paul G Kwiat