A variety of situations might cause you to miss an examlet or other work. When the problem is minor (e.g., a short cold), it's usually straightforward to make up. Occasionally worse things go wrong.
Most minor problems are covered by the fact that you need to turn in only 10 out 14 worksheets and homeworks. That is, you can drop up to 4 lecture worksheets and 4 homework and still get full credit. These are graded only for submission. If you have an unusual problem, please contact the instructor promptly about appropriate arrangements. This would include, for example, serious or prolonged illness or injury, family emergencies, technical glitches, and so forth. Depending on the circumstances, we may ask you to provide documentation (such as a doctor's note).
Missed examlets must typically be made up on Tuesday of the following week. You will need take the additional test during one of other lecture section times. You must inform us so that we can arrange for a proctoring slot and exam as needed. Please use the private note feature on Piazza to communicate with us about these matters.
If have a larger problem that forces you to miss multiple weeks, you should keep us informed. The Office of the Dean of Students can help you inform instructors when you can't reasonably do so yourself (e.g., you're in the hospital) and provide confirmation of problems where you might not wish to tell us all the details. Typically your advisor or DRES or the Dean of Students would be involved in such a situation.
We occasionally have outages in campus networks, power, or CS departmental servers. Weather sometimes disrupts operations and occasionally even shuts down campus. We will extend deadlines or make other arrangements when there are long or awkwardly timed outages. The details depend on the exact circumstances. However, we expect that you will download critical documents (e.g., examlet study materials) in a timely manner and that you realize that support is very limited at night.
Piazza is a great way to stay informed and also to keep the course staff informed about issues we might not have noticed.