CS173: Examlet logistics

This is a quick summary of how we plan to run the examlets. Although we may need to make small changes at the last minute, this document should help you know what to expect. See the excuses page for information about illness, disabilties, and other special situations.


Make sure you know the time of your assigned discussion, because you'll need to write it on your examlet sheets. (We'll need to sort them by discussion since we return them at discussion.)

The examlet lasts 30 minutes and will start at 11:00.

If you need to make up a previous examlet, come to the 11:00 sitting and take the regularly scheduled exam. After you finish that, ask the proctors for your makeup examlet.

Before the exam, please wait in the lobby We will distribute examlets as you enter the room.

If you arrive slightly late, don't panic. The examlets are designed to be doable in much less than 30 minutes.

If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, you cannot take the exam at this sitting. You'll need to do a makeup.

The exam

Each examlet consists of two sheets, one white and one colored. Proctors will be at the front of the room (sometimes also the back) passing out sheets. Ensure that you end up with two sheets, one white and one colored.

If the non-white sheets come in more than one color, the color will tell you which section of the room to sit in. Look at the blackboard for which block of seats is assigned to which color.

Please avoid sitting next to close friends. Other students may misinterpret your normal friendly behavior as cheating.

Please sit in a chair, not on the floor. If you are one of the first in your row, please sit towards the middle. As your row fills up, please be polite and shift inwards as needed.

If you need help, don't be shy. E.g. perhaps you are colorblind and we have accidentally chosen colors that look too similar. Or perhaps you are injured and need an aisle/front seat. The proctors (also most students) will be happy to help.

There are multiple versions of each sheet. I won't say how many. This varies with the examlet and isn't determined until the last minute. They are similar in difficulty but not exactly comparable. Over the course of the term, random selection will give you some easier versions and some harder ones.

Please raise your hand to get help/advice if you need clarification or think you've found a bug in the exam.

At the end

When you are done, turn in your sheets at the front of the room. All colored sheets go in the same pile. All white sheets go in the other pile. Make sure each sheet has your name and netID written (readably!) and that you've circled your discussion section on both. Then take your stuff and exit the room.