We try to grade with perfect accuracy. But, of course, we are only human. Mistakes happen and need to be corrected.
First check the model solutions (on the exams web page). If you suspect a bug in the solutions, post a question on piazza, so that we can quickly address the problem.
Regrade requests should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 11:59pm on the following dates:
If you made up the examlet two weeks after the original sitting, these deadlines are extended by one week.
To request a regrade, clearly explain on a separate piece of paper why you believe the grading is incorrect or unclear. Staple the explanation sheet to the examlet sheet(s) you want regraded. Then drop it into our dropbox in the Siebel basement corridor. Do not give it to a member of the course staff. It's too easy for a single regrade to get mixed into the big stacks of papers that we're often carrying.
The bank of silver dropboxes is along the north wall of the main corridor in the Siebel basemenet, towards the east end, between the big northfacing windows and the candy machine. Our dropbox is clearly marked.