Insidious Inheritance
▼CDrawable | A pure virtual interface class that can draw itself to a canvas |
CFlower | A subclass of Drawable that can draw a flower |
CLine | A subclass of Drawable that represents a line in 2D space |
▼CShape | An abstract base class that represents a Shape which has an area, perimeter, color, and can contain Vector2s |
CCircle | A subclass of Shape that represents a Circle in 2D space |
CRectangle | A subclass of Shape that represents a rectangle in 2D space |
CTriangle | A subclass of a Shape that represents a triangle in 2D space |
CTruck | A subclass of Drawable that can draw a truck |
Ccs225::hslaColor | |
Ccs225::HSLAPixel | |
Ccs225::PNG | |
Ccs225::rgbaColor | |
CVector2 | Represents a 2 dimensional vector |