"CS 374": Useful Resources

There is an overwhelming number of useful algorithms resources on the web. Although Jeff's lecture notes (hopefully) contain everything you need to do well in this course, we strongly encourage you to consult any other source at your disposal.
Course material
Lecture notes, slides, homeworks, and exams from algorithms classes at UIUC and several other universities can be found on the web:

Rewritten by machine and new technology,
And now I understand the problems you can see.
Videos of algorithms lectures from several universities can be found on the web. See especially the following:
Both Coursera and Udacity are offering complete algorithms courses, with videos, readings, and automatically graded exercises. By necessity, these courses tend to focus more on implementation and less on proofs and open-ended design than CS 473.
For students who prefer an actual dead-tree reference, we recommend the following textbooks. The campus bookstore probably doesn't have them, but they're cheaper online anyway. I've asked Grainger Library to put copies of all these books on reserve.
For review of prerequisite material, we strongly recommend the following online resources. (This stuff is also covered in several dead-tree textbooks, but really, why bother?)
Programming contests
...which (at least at the top levels) are really algorithm design contests where you also some code, I guess.
We'll add more links here as we discover them. Suggestions are welcome!