"CS 374": Homework and Exam Policies

The course staff must critically examine somewhere between ten and twenty thousand pages of homework submissions this semester! We desperately need your help to make sure homeworks are graded and returned quickly. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, please don't hesitate to ask in lecture, during office hours, or on Piazza (publicly, or in private post to the course staff).

We apologize in advance for the length of this document. Most of this stuff is obvious to almost everybody, but over many years, and in a class this size, lots of strange things can/will arise.

Homework Logistics: How to submit

Yeah, if you could just go ahead and make sure
you do that from now on, that would be great.

Homework Format: What to submit

To keep grading fast and consistent, each numbered problem on each homework will appear in Moodle as a separate assignment.

I've been to school. I know the rule.

Form: How to write

Please make it easy for the graders to figure out what you mean in the short time they have to grade your solution. A portion of every homework grade is specifically devoted to clarity and style. If your solutions are difficult to read or understand, you will lose points.

Be Honest

Be Clear

Be Concise

Content: What to write

You're gonna start a fight and you're gonna lose.