Prof. John Dallesasse
(217) 333-8416
2114 Nick Holonyak Jr. Micro and Nanotechnology Lab (HMNTL)
Prof. John Dallesasse (Sec. C, E)
(217) 333-8416
2114 Nick Holonyak Jr. Micro and Nanotechnology Laborator (HMNTL)
Office Hours: Wed 1-2 PM
Zoom Lecture: M W F 11:00-11:50 AM
In-Person Lecture: 3017 ECEB
Lecture Recordings
Lecture Slides
Prof. Yurii Vlasov (Sec. A)
(217) 300-1870
1250 Nick Holonyak Jr. Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory (HMNTL)
Office Hours: Tues 10-11 AM
Zoom Lecture: M W F 10:00-10:50 AM
Lecture Recordings
Prof. Kyekyoon (Kevin) Kim (Sec. X)
(217) 333-7162
2048 Electrical and Computer Engineering building (ECEB)
Office Hours: Thu 3-4PM
Zoom Lecture: M W F 12:00-12:50 PM
Office hours held as listed in the given zoom links. Please contact an instructor to arrange a meeting at non-scheduled times.
Maanav Ganjoo
Office Hours: Thu 6-7 PM (Location: Zoom)
Frank Kelly
Office Hours: Thu 11 AM - 1 PM (Location: Zoom)
Mingye Xiong
Office Hours: Thurs 9 - 11 AM
(Location: Zoom)
Welcome to ECE 340 Spring 2021!
Course Announcements
- Due to COVID-19, 340 has been moved online aside from section E. The sidebar containing the instructor and TA office hours and lectures now includes hyperlinks to each persons respective Zoom. Below are resources which may be helpful to you as we transition to online teaching.
- CBTF Online
- Remote Learning
- Engineering IT
- Essential Technology
- Essential Software
- Midterm exam 2 is coming up Thursday, April 15th, from 7:00 - 8:50 pm. As usual, the exam will be proctored by the CBTF. If you have not registered by now, please do this immediately. Additionally, anyone needing to take the CONFLICT exam needs to submit a conflict request BOTH through the CBTF as well as via email to Maanav Ganjoo ( and Professor Dallesasse ( by Friday, April 9th, at 5pm.
- HKN will be holding a midterm 2 review session Sunday, April 11th, from 2-4pm. They will be going over general concepts learned in lecture and then solve practice problems. Please show up and ask questions! The zoom link is below:
- Homework 10 will not be assigned until Friday, April 16th, and will be due Friday, April 23rd
Course Information
Course Notes
Posted lecture slides are from previous semesters. The dates and any mention of quizzes/exams are not relevant for this years schedule.
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6-7
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Lecture 11-15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Lecture 20-21
Lecture 22
Lecture 23
Lecture 24
Lecture 25
Lecture 26
Lecture 27
Lecture 28
Lecture 29
Lecture 30
Lecture 31
Lecture 32
Lecture 33
Lecture 34
Lecture 35
Lecture 36-37
Lecture 38
Lecture 39-42
Lecture 43
Homework will be posted here every Friday unless notified otherwise.
Homework #1.
Homework #2.
Homework #3.
Homework #4.
Homework #5.
Homework #6.
Homework #7., Calculation Template.
Homework #8.
Homework #9.
Homework #10.
Homework #11.
Homework Solutions
Homework solutions will be posted once all assignments have been graded and returned.
Homework #1 Solutions.
Homework #2 Solutions.
Homework #3 Solutions.
Homework #4 Solutions.
Homework #5 Solutions.
Homework #6 Solutions.
Homework #7 Solutions.
Homework #8 Solutions.
Homework #9 Solutions.
Homework #10 Solutions.
Homework #11 Solutions.
Exam Solutions
Exam solutions will be posted under the discretion of the course director.
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