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INFO 390 RGI - Race, Gender & Info Tech

Last offered Spring 2015

Official Description

Explores a variety of informatics topics. Topics and prerequisites vary by section; see current Class Schedule for details. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary.

Section Description

Topic: Race, Gender and Information Technology. Open to sophomores, juniors or seniors. See section description at Meets with LIS 390RGI (36574). This course critically examines the ways in which information technologies are both the source and consequence of race and gender relations. Will explore theories of race, gender and technology and apply these to case studies of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Particular attention will be given to globalization, privacy and surveillance, labor, and digital enclosures.
Race, Gender & Info TechRGI53741LCD31300 - 1420 M W  126 Grad Sch of Lib & Info Science LaTesha M Velez