1. Practice Final 211
The Practice Final was created for PHYS 211, but the following problems are relevant for PHYS 100:
1, 10, 14, 19, 32, 33, 34, 43, and 44.
These problems were not used in an exam, but were designed exclusively for practice, testing students in concepts that students typically find difficult.
2. Practice Final 100
The problems in this set were not used in an exam, but were designed exclusively
for practice, testing concepts that students find find difficult.
3. PHYS100 Midterm
The Midterm Spring 17 exam is the PHYS 100 midterm exam of Spring 17.
The star rating system on these questions was added after the exam; the stars did not appear on the exam when the exam was given.
The number of stars indicates the average score on the questions:
One star questions had an average score between 70%-90%
Two star questions had an average score between 50%-70%
Three start questions had an average score between 30%-50%