NOTE: This is the home page for a previous (Spring Semester 2011) offering of PHYS 101. Click here to go to the current PHYS 101 home page.



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Course  Directors

TA  Information

Course Description

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IClicker Information

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Hour Exam Rooms

Final Exam Rooms 

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Office Hours

Tutor List

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Physics 101

Spring 2011


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Final exam info

PHYS 101 final exam will be given

1:30-4:30 PM, Monday, May 9
7:00-10:00 PM, Tuesday, May 10

You are signed up to take the exam for the lecture in which you are enrolled; however, you may take either exam IF you sign up by the deadline. Use the options in the gradebook to check your final exam time and to change to the other exam if you choose. The deadline for changing your final exam time is 10:00 PM, Tuesday, April 26.

The deadline to turn in your excuses to 231/233 Loomis is Wednesday, April 27 at 4 PM. If you are out next week you need to turn them in ASAP. PLEASE DO NOT come to 231/233 if you are ill. Your excuse will not be accepted until you are well.


You must have appropriate documentation (in writing) in order to have a valid excuse from a class. If you are too sick to get out of bed you should call Dial-a-Nurse. Please complete the ABSENCE FORM and take it along with the appropriate documentation relating to your absence to Room 231/233 Loomis as soon as you return to class. The deadline for submitting an excuse is within TWO weeks of the absence. (Excuses from the emergency dean must be turned in within ONE week of the date on the letter.) Obviously if you are absent the last week of the semester or have not received your excuse from the emergency dean, you should bring your excuse to Room 231/233 as soon as you receive it.
Excuses need to be taken to Loomis room 231/233 in person.
(An EX means that the absence will not count against your grade, but an AB becomes a zero.) Please be sure to indicate your section(s) and TA name(s) of the classes you missed on the ABSENCE FORM.

According to the student code that governs the University you may not miss a class to take an exam for another course. The course giving the exam must give a conflict exam. Be sure to arrange for that in advance!


Department of Physics | College of Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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© Copyright 1999-2008 by the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
If you have questions about this page, please e-mai
l Johnetta Wilde. Please specify the course number.