PHYS 102 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Home page
Welcome to Phys 102!
If you are ill, including with cold-like symptoms, do not attend class.
If you are ill, or think you may be, please take the following steps:
- Contact a health care provider for advice and follow their instructions.
- You can start with McKinley Health Center's Dial-A-Nurse for guidance.
- Get a visit confirmation slip.
- Use the Excused Absence application to document your absence.
- If you are in quarantine, use the Excused Absence application to document your absence.
Important: You should complete your first Prelecture and Checkpoint before you go to your first lecture.
Be sure to do the prelecture and checkpoint before lecture,.
You can access the assignments through SmartPhysics:
- You will need to pay for access by purchasing a code through the UIUC bookstore.
- Purchace your subscription no later than 26 January 2024.
- You have full access for the first two weeks free of charge.
Students must be on time and prepared for discussion.
- You will need the following supplies each week for discussion:
- paper
- pencil/pen
- a calculator
- a device that you can use to:
- access the quiz online
- prepare and upload group assignments as PDF.
- A laptop or tablet is ideal, but a smartphone may work as well.
Students must be on time and prepared for labs.
- Please review the required materials list to see what you need.
- You will do a hands-on pre-lab activity using your IOLab device before every lab.
- You will work within groups in your weekly lab sections, to design and understand experiments and experimental data using your IOLab device.
- You will upload your lab reports to GradeScope for grading.
- Exams will be given at the Computer Based Testing Facility.
- View the formula sheet.
- Review the exam information page for details.
Excused Absences
- Please submit your excused absence no later than 12 business days after your absence via the Excused Absences application.
- For more information regarding this course's excuses policy, please refer to the Attendance Policy page.
Registering After the First Day of Classes
If you registered after the first day of classes but before the 10th day of classes:
- It is your responsibility to contact your lecturer and organize a plan for make-up work.
- You must do this before the 8th week of classes.
Academic Integrity
All activities in this course, including
- in-lecture voting
- documentation submitted for petition for an excused absence,
- quizzes
- exams
- labs
- homework
are subject to the Academic Integrity rules as described in Article 1, Part 4, Academic Integrity, of the Student Code.