Homework 6 - Physics 150 Fall 2003
Due October 22, 2003

  1. Question C, Ch. 8 of March.
  2. Question A, Ch. 9 of March. This is outlined in lecture and the text, but here you are asked to state the procedure in your own words.
  3. Question B, Ch. 9 of March. Discuss the consequence and the relation to Newton's ideas.
  4. Question E , Ch. 9 of March.
  5. The text (and lecture) give the argument that moving clocks run slow based on the observation of light moving across a train. A crucial step of the argument is that "both observers [in the train and on the ground] agree on the width of the train." How you you know that they agree? Is this just an extra assumption or is it required by the basic idea of how one measures the width of an object perpendicular to the direction of its motion?
  6. Exercises
    1. Ex. 1, Ch. 10. This is worked out in the solutions. Give the answer also for v = 0.8 c.
    2. Ex. 2, Ch. 10. Give the answer for both v = 0.6 c and v = 0.8 c.
Remember that there are hints, worked exercise that covers several examples, and there are answers to odd-numbered problems that are very similar to problems assigned.