Historical setting – Middle Ages
Selected Events (http://eawc.evansville.edu/chronology)
- 768 Carolus Magnus (Charlemagne) succeeds his father
- 824 Charlemagne dies – no successor
- 850-1039 – Al Khawarizimi, Ibn, Sina, Ibn Al-Haitham
- 1050-1220 Agricultural advances - Europe prospers
- 1066 – William the Conqueror invades England
- 1095 – First Crusade
- 1168 - English scientist Robert Grosseteste translates Aristotle's Ethics - makes advances in optics, math, astronomy
- 1212 - Spain reconquers Iberian peninsula from the Muslims in the name of Christianity
- 1225-1274 - Thomas Aquinas, the most influential scholastic theologian
- 1244 - Jerusalem is lost by the West (not recaptured until 1917)
- 1337-1453 - Hundred Years' War (1430 – Joan of Arc burned)
- 1453 - Ottoman Turks take Constantinople - end Byzantine civilization