PPT Slide
Did Galileo ever perform his famous experiment on the leaning tower? Probably not; anyway a similar experiment-demonstration had already been published by Benedetti Giambattista in 1553, and the test had also been made and published by the Flemish engineer Simon Stevin in 1586.
Galileo said he first thought about falling objects during a hailstorm, when he noticed that both large and small hailstones hit the ground at the same time. If Aristotle were right, this could only happen if the larger stones dropped from a higher point in the clouds -- but at virtually the same time -- or that the lighter ones started falling earlier than the heavier ones -- neither of which seemed very probable to Galileo. Instead, the simplest explanation was simply that heavy or light, all
hailstones fell simultaneously with the same speed. We will now go over his experiments and theories.