The Big Picture The smallest objects to the Universe


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Table of Contents

The Big Picture The smallest objects to the Universe



Timeline - Modern Physics

Objects in our universe Enormous range of sizes

How do we know the sizes of atoms? What they are made of?

Ratios of different forces Enormous range of magnitudes

Example of enormous range of sizes

Ratios of sizes

Quantum Effects Crucial for Small Objects

Quantum Mechanics: Particles Act Like Waves!

Search for the smallest particles

Important Quantum Effects in Our World I Lasers

Important Quantum Effects in Our World I Lasers

Important Quantum Effects in Our World

Important Quantum Effects in Our World

Important Quantum Effects in Our World


Important Quantum Effects in Our World

Quantum Effects in Our World

“Seeing” Quantum Effects in Our World

“Seeing” Quantum Effects in Our World

Observation of atoms, electron waves with Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Observation of atoms, electron waves with Scanning Tunneling Microscope

How do we know the universe is expanding? What galaxies are made of?


Author: R. M. Martin


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