Last time: Origins of Quantum Theory
- Radiation from Hot Body: Max Planck (1900)
- Introduction of Planck’s constant h
- Energy of light emitted in quanta with energy E = h?
- Photoelectric effect: Albert Einstein (1905)
- Light absorption transfers quanta with energy E = h?)
- Photoelectric Effect
- Atomic Model: Neils Bohr (1912)
- Spectra from transitions between stable orbits given by quantization condition: radius = n2a0, L = n (h/2?), E = E0/n2
Today: Matter Waves
- Theory: de Broglie (1924) proposes matter waves
- More General Theory: Schrodinger (1926) formulates the basic equation still used in quantum mechanics
- Experiment: Davisson-Germer (1927) shows electrons act like waves -- show interference when scattering from crystals.