What happened after the Big Bang?
Current theory (e.g. Weinberg, “The first three minutes”)
Evolution is proposed to be a series of steps, where particles “freeze out” and matter condenses into different forms
- Analogy: Start with very hot H and O atoms. As the temperature is lowered the atoms form H2O molecules, then molecules condense to steam droplets, then water, then ice.
First Moments after Big Bang: Very Hot, T > 1012 K
- Free Quark - Gluon - Electron - Neutrino - photon plasma
~0.1 sec later: T ~ 1011 K
- Quarks, Gluons “freeze out” to form neutrons and protons
~10 sec later: T ~ 3 x 109 K
- Nuclei like He begin to form
~3 min later: T ~ 109 K
- Deuterium can form - (~ 70 times hotter than center of our sun)