General Information for James Scholar Credit in
Physics 211
You can earn
James Scholar credit for Physics 211 in one of two ways. (You should not
and cannot do both.)
In either case, you need to have either the PHYS 211 honors coordinator (Professor Naomi Makins,
makins at or your PHYS 211 lecturer sign an Honors Credit Learning Agreement. This form must be
obtained from your college office. The James Scholar program for LAS students is
described at
It is described at
for students in Engineering (follow the links for either freshman or upperclass,
and see the Honors
Contracts page for info on where to turn in the form).
in other colleges should consult their college office.
Specific Information for James Scholar Credit in
Physics 211
In order to obtain James Scholars
credit in Physics 211, you must complete the James Scholars homework
assignments that are available online. Each problem (three problems per
assignment) will be graded out of 10 points each, and
you will have to maintain an average of about 8/10 in order to receive credit.
The problems are harder than others in 211; we want you to give them your best,
however. There will be 5 such assignments, due every 2 or 3 weeks and timed to
avoid collisions with hour exams, etc. as best we can. Please note that the
grades on these assignments DO NOT
affect your overall 211 grade IN ANY WAY.
assignment is due by 5pm on the specified due date. Late
assignments will receive zero credit. Assignments which do not conform to
instructions below will also receive zero credit.
Your solutions for each assignment should be submitted by hardcopy to the Physics 211 James Scholar homework box located on the north side of the 2nd floor of Loomis Lab, next door to room 290Z. (Do not put the assignment in anyone's mail box.) Each problem should be submitted on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to put your name, netid, the assignment number and the problem number on each submission. Be sure to show a reasonable amount of your work; more is always better than less. If we ask for a numerical answer don't forget the units. The solution will also involve submission of a graph. You may make the graphs with any software you want or submit the graph as hand-drawn. Don't forget to label the axes of the graphs with the variables plotted and include units.