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Physics 111 Lab #1:


1-dimensional motion with and without the influence of gravity will be studied by varying the inclination angle of the cart track (Lecture 2).

Key Activities:

 1-Dimensional Uniform Velocity

1-dimensional motion experiments involving a cart on a flat "frictionless" track will be used to study the relationship between displacement, velocity, and acceleration under various circumstances, for example when the "particle" has a uniform velocity (Lecture 1).

 1-Dimensional Uniform Acceleration

The relationship between displacement, velocity, and acceleration will also be explored for situations in which the cart is experiencing uniform acceleration (Lectures 1 and 2).

 Motion in the Presence of Gravity

A cart on a track having an inclination angle Ø experiences a component of the gravitational acceleration. This figure illustrates typical plots of the cart's displacement (top), velocity (middle), and acceleration (bottom) for a cart moving up and down an inclined ramp (Lecture 2).

What's happening?

 Estimate of the Acceleration Due to Gravity, g

By measuring the cart's acceleration, geff = gsinØ, for various inclination angles, Ø, an estimate of the gravitational acceleration, g, can be obtained (Lectures 1 and 2).

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