Physics 111 Lab #3:
Frictional Forces
Static and Kinetic Friction
The relationship between the velocity of the cart
(top), and the pulling force applied to the cart (bottom). Notice that
the pulling force reaches a maximum as the cart begins to move, then
maintains a constant, reduced value as the cart slides with constant
What's happening?
Motion Up and Down an
Incline in the Presence of a Constant Drag Force
The effects of a constant drag force
(Lectures 7,
8) on the motion of a cart moving up
and down an incline will also be studied.
What's happening?
Constant Velocity
of a Cart on an Incline
The conditions under which a cart sliding down an incline in the
presence of a frictional force experiences a constant velocity will also be investigated. In
particular, the critical angle, Øcrit, at which the
cart has a constant velocity for a given frictional force will be
predicted and measured (Lectures 7,
For track inclination angles, Ø, such that Ø
> Øcrit, the cart exhibits a positive acceleration
(a > 0), while for Ø < Øcrit, the cart exhibits a
negative acceleration (a < 0) and eventually stops.
For Øcrit = Ø, the cart maintains a constant velocity, vterm (a=0).

What's happening?