Energetics of a Cart Rolling Down an Incline, Stretching a Spring

At t = t1: the cart is at the origin, h=0, so the cart's gravitational potential energy, mgh is zero; the spring is at its equilibrium length, so the spring potential energy, 1/2k x2 is zero; the cart's initial velocity is zero, so the cart's kinetic energy is zero. For t1 < t < t2: the cart starts rolling down the incline, so the cart's kinetic energy first increases, then attains its maximum value before decreasing towards zero; the spring's potential energy increases as the spring stretches beyond its equilibrium value; and the cart's potential energy, mgh, decreases as the cart's height decreases according to, h = -dsinØ. At t = t2: the spring attains its maximum extension, so the spring's potential energy, 1/2k x2, is a maximum; the cart stops momentarily before returning up the incline for t > t2; th cart attains its largest distance below the origin, hmin = -dmaxsinØ, and thus the cart's gravitational potential energy attains it's maximum negative value. The cycle repeats for t > t3 (Lecture 10).

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