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Physics 111 Lab #9:

Resonance and Transverse Waves

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By attaching a spring and hanging mass at the end of a string that is tugged at an adjustable "driving" frequency by a mechanical vibrator, resonant behavior of the mass and spring can be studied. The figure in the lower right corner shows the resulting resonant behavior, namely a dramatic increase in the vibrational amplitude of the hanging mass, when the mass is driven at its natural frequency, fo = 1.8 Hz (see below). The Q value of this oscillator, which reflects the sharpness of the resonance, is estimated to be roughly 23.

 Standing Waves on a String

Standing waves will be studied on a string tied between a mechanical vibrator and a hanging mass. By using a signal generator to "drive" the mechanical vibrator, the amplitude and frequency of waves in the string can be varied, while the tension in the string can be controlled using the hanging mass (Lectures 26, 27, 28).

Expected resonant mode patterns of the string, corresponding to resonant frequencies fn = (n/2L)(T/µ)0.5, where n (= 1,2,3,...) is the mode number, L is the length of the string, T is the tension in the string, and µ is the mass per unit length of the string (Lectures 26, 27, 28).

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