Physics 211 Exam Preparation

In this course, three 90-minute exams are given during the term and there is a comprehensive final exam. Exams (except for the final exam, which was developed exclusively for the purpose of practice) from previous semesters are available above. All the exams include both conceptual questions and physical problems. Exams are machine graded and consist of true-false and multiple-choice questions scored as follows: On five-choice multiple choice questions (only) there is a partial credit option. Namely, if the student is unable to do the calculation which will result in the correct answer, the student may elect to accept partial credit for successfully eliminating unphysical answers. In particular, if the student can identify three of the five answers as being wrong (ie the student marks two answers, one of which is the correct answer to the question), then the student will receive 3 points for the question ( full credit for choosing only the correct answer is 6 points). Similarly, if the student can identify two of the five answers as being wrong (ie the student marks three answers, one of which is the correct answer to the question), then the student will receive 2 points for the question.