PHYS 213 Final Exam Preparation

Previous final exams are not available here (or anywhere), however:

Here is a practice final exam. It is a good idea to work it in a timed fashion to see how you might do on an exam of about the same length and difficulty. Allow yourself two hours. Practice exam problems will be discussed at the final exam review session. A link to the Final Exam Formulas (to be included with the exam) is given on the previous web page.

We recommend using the current formula sheet, which is slightly different than the ones used previously.

Discussion problems and Quizzes, Homework problems, Lecture Exercises and Acts, and preLab questions are all good practice exercises for the Final. Included below are some worked-out sample final exam problems from a couple of recent semesters. Also included are some worked-out problems from a much older (fall 2000) sample exam; be warned, however, that some topics now included were not included then.