Physics 214 Honors Assignment 3


Track A: Read and discuss chapter 3 from QED.


Track B: Quantum Information.
      Read the article on Quantum Information (Monroe), and one of the other articles, on Quantum Teleportation, or Quantum Crypotgraphy (feel free to read all three!).
      Then write a summary, including two of the following three topics:


1:  -describing the basic operating principles of these systems

      -describing several systems that people are investigating
      -commenting on the implementation challenges

      -summarizing the main advantages of quantum computing


2:  -summarizing the main advantages over classical encryption: how does quantum mechanics help?
      -describing the basic q. cryptography operating protocol


3:  -explaining as best you can the phenomenon of entanglement
      -describing the basic q. teleportation protocol
      -explaining in what ways this teleportation is similar or different from the 'Star Trek' "teleportation".

View the articles here.

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