PHYS 225 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

PHYS 225 :: Physics Illinois :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Home page


Welcome to Phys 225 - a transition point from introductory to advanced physics!

If you need additional tutoring resources, please check here.

If you wake up feeling sick, do not come to class. Seek medical attention and request an EX grade.


This class meets once per week on Tuesdays 4-5pm in Loomis 151

Attendance in lecture will be taken via "one-minute papers" at the start and end of lecture, to be submitted through Gradescope.


We will have approximately one homework assignment due each week starting with Week 2.

Homework is typically due every Thursday, check the class schedule page for exceptions.

Each assignment must be uploaded to Gradescope on the deadline.


Students must be on time and prepared for discussion. You will need:


Excused Absences

Registering After the First Day of Classes

If you registered after the first day of classes but before the 10th day of classes:

Disability access (DRES)

The Department of Physics is committed to being an open and welcoming environment for all of our students. We are committed to helping all of our students to succeed in our courses.

To obtain disability-related academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids, students must contact the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) and the course instructor as soon as possible. To contact DRES, you may visit 1207 S. Oak St., Champaign, call 333-4603, e-mail or go to the DRES website.
If you are concerned you have a disability-related condition that is impacting your academic progress, there are academic screening appointments available on campus that can help diagnosis a previously undiagnosed disability by visiting the DRES website and selecting "Sign-Up for an Academic Screening" at the bottom of the page.

Assistance for Academically Related and Personal Problems

Most college offices and academic deans provide academic skills support and assistance for academically related and personal problems. Links to the appropriate contact can be found on this website.

Counseling Center 206 Fred H. Turner Student Services Building
Monday - Friday, 7:50 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Phone: 333-3704
McKinley Mental Health 313 McKinley Health Center
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Phone: 333-2705

McKinley Health Education offers individual consultations for students interested in learning relaxation and other stress/time management skills, call 333-2714.

Academic integrity

All activities in this course are subject to the Academic Integrity rules as described in Article 1, Part 4, Academic Integrity, of the Student Code.