Required Essay 1 Version 1 (RE1v1)

This essay must be handed in before leaving class.

Choose one important problem related to nuclear weapons that the United States currently faces. It need not be the most important problem. It should involve a technological issue, a policy issue, or both. Write a 2-paragraph essay with the following structure:

  • A title centered at the top of the first page.
  • A first paragraph that states clearly the problem you are addressing and why it is important.
  • A second paragraph that presents your recommendation for how the United States should deal with the problem stated in the first paragraph.
Further guidance:
  • Write your name (e.g., Jean Doe), the code for this writing assignment (RE1v1), and your Writing Lab number (e.g., WL99) in an identification block in the top right-hand corner of the top page. Use the following layout:

    Jean Doe
    RE1v1 WL99

  • If your essay has more than 2 paragraphs, you will receive a score of zero.
  • Each paragraph should begin with a strong topical sentence that tells the reader what to expect in the paragraph.
  • Do not make the paragraphs too long. This is a 1-page (typed) essay.
  • Use active voice.
  • You will be graded on the content and clarity of your writing, not the number of words.
  • Avoid unnecessary words, especially adjectives and adverbs.
  • A 2-paragraph essay has no room for telling the reader what you will do or for repetition—just say what you want to say, once.

The revised version (RE1v2) of this essay must be 1 page or less in length, when printed in the format specified in the Student Handbook, including the title, header, and footer. To check this, you should print the exact version you are going to submit. If your paper is longer than 1 page when printed, it will be given a score of zero.