
The Student Handbook provides complete guidance on how to revise writing assignments. Details on where to turn in all writing assignments

are also provided in the Student Handbook. Before you turn in your essay, be sure to review the writing assignment submission checklist in the Handbook!


To receive a high grade on RE4v2, you must go beyond surface-level editing of your first version. Incorporating feedback from both your TA and peer

in a mindful manner is critical. We will be specifically examing how well you go deeper into higher order issues like restructuring, adding/deleting content. 

Please see this resource on the distinction between revising and editing:


RE4v2 is due Thursday, April 12 at 1pm electronically and 2pm in class.

Don't forget to staple the graded RE4v1, the TA grading rubric, and the peer grading rubric to the back.


In addition to RE4v2, you will submit a writer’s memo explaining how you took up the responses from your peers and TA. Please respond to the following:

Writer's memo format:



RE4 Sequence Schedule

WL Activity WL Date      Notes
Choose option and peer review partner March 12  equal number of options A and B; partners will be opposite options
Co-create grading rubric March 26  work in groups to create a rubric; that evening the TAs will compile the rubrics and send out a formal rubric to the class
Discuss peer response April 9  


Assignment Due Date Notes
RE4v0 March 15 (1pm, electronically) this will be used to help create the grading rubric; 5% of RE4v1 grade
RE4v1 March 29 (1pm, electronically; 2pm, in class) based on the rubric created in writing lab, will be handed back on April 9 to coincide with peer response
RE4v1 peer response April 9 (10am, electronically) peer review the other option using the rubric created in writing lab; 30% of RE4v1 grade
RE4v2 April 12 (1pm, electronically; 2pm, in class)