%========================================================================== % 1D_Nslit_Intf_Smpl_Thy.m % % 1D N-slit interference - simplest theory - far-field/plane-wave approx! % sound waves assumed to be propagating in free air/great wide-open! % each "slit" treated simplistically as point source - no spatial extent! % %========================================================================== % % Written by Prof. Steven Errede Last Updated: Feb. 7, 2011 10:55 hr % %========================================================================== close all; clear all; single thtr(1800); single thtd(1800); single Itot1(1800); single SIL1(1800); single yscr(2000); single Itot2(2000); single SIL2(2000); % Specify # of slits (n.b. Nslits = 1 => no interference): Nslits = 2; % 2; 5; 10; % Specify other needed parameters: Io = 1.0; % intensity from single slit (Watts/m^2) Ir = 1.0*10^-12;% reference sound intensity (Watts/m^2) Vair = 343.0; % speed of propagation of sound - free air (m/s) freq = 1000.0; % frequency (Hz or cps) lambda = Vair/freq; % wavelength (m) Lobs = 10.0; % perp. distance observer from slits (m) n.b. lambda << Lobs Dsrc = 1.0; % transv. distance between slits (m) n.b. Dsrc << Lobs %=================================== % Calculate Itot, SIL vs. theta: %=================================== Thetad = -90.0; % angle theta of observer in degrees dTheta = 0.1; % step angle in degrees for i = 1:1800; thtd(i) = Thetad; % angle theta of observer in degrees Thetar = (pi/180.0)*Thetad; % angle theta of observer in radians thtr(i) = Thetar; delta = (2.0*pi/lambda)*Dsrc*sin(Thetar); % resultant Nslit phase diff (radians) Itot1(i) = Io*(sin(Nslits*delta/2.0)/sin(delta/2.0))^2; % total intensity (Watts/m^2) SIL1(i) = 10.0*log10(Itot1(i)/Ir); % Sound Intensity Level (dB) Thetad = Thetad + dTheta; % increment angle for next calculation end %=================================== % Calculate Itot, SIL vs. yscreen: %=================================== y = -50.00; % starting position on screen (m) dy = 0.05; % step size on screen (m); for i = 1:2000; yscr(i) = y; % position of observer on perp. screen (m) Thetar = atan(y/Lobs); % angle theta of observer in radians delta = (2.0*pi/lambda)*Dsrc*sin(Thetar); % resultant Nslit phase diff (radians) Itot2(i) = Io*(sin(Nslits*delta/2.0)/sin(delta/2.0))^2; % total intensity (Watts/m^2) SIL2(i) = 10.0*log10(Itot2(i)/Ir); % Sound Intensity Level (dB) y = y + dy; % increment screen position for next calculation end figure(01); plot(thtd,Itot1,'b'); grid on; xlabel('theta (degrees)'); ylabel('Intensity (Watts/m^{2})'); title('Intensity vs. theta'); figure(02); semilogy(thtd,Itot1,'b'); grid on; xlabel('theta (degrees)'); ylabel('Intensity (Watts/m^{2})'); title('Log10 Intensity vs. theta'); figure(03); plot(thtd,SIL1,'b'); grid on; xlabel('theta (degrees)'); ylabel('SIL (dB)'); title('SIL vs. theta'); figure(04); polar(thtr,SIL1,'b'); grid on; xlabel('theta (degrees)'); ylabel('SIL (dB)'); title('Polar plot of SIL vs. theta'); figure(11); plot(yscr,Itot2,'b'); grid on; xlabel('Yscreen (m)'); ylabel('Intensity (Watts/m^{2})'); title('Intensity vs. Yscreen'); figure(12); semilogy(yscr,Itot2,'b'); grid on; xlabel('Yscreen (m)'); ylabel('Intensity (Watts/m^{2})'); title('Log10 Intensity vs. Yscreen'); figure(13); plot(yscr,SIL2,'b'); grid on; xlabel('Yscreen (m)'); ylabel('SIL (dB)'); title('SIL vs. Yscreen'); %========================================================================== beep; fprintf('\n 1-D Nslit interference simple thy calculation completed !!! \n') %==========================================================================