
MBE growth and surface physics
Lüth Hans, Surfaces and interfaces of solid materials, Springer 1995.

Ideas for the simulation and the modified Tersoff potential

[s1] M. Kitabatake, Thin Solid Films 369 (2000) 257-264
[p1] M. Nakamura, H. Fujioka et al., Journal of Crystal Growth 209 (2000) 232-236
Please be aware of following typos in the paper:

gij = b in table 1
fc(rij)=1 rij<Rij
fc(rij)=0 rij>Sij

The original paper by J. Tersoff:
[p2] J. Tersoff, Phys.Rev. B 39 (1989) 5566 (pdf)

General computation
[c1] Monte Carlo code for simulation of a LJ fluid
[c2] Numerical Recipies in C, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press (c)1988-1992
[c3] Prime numbers:

General references
[g1] The C Library Reference Guide
