by Dongxiang Liao and Robert Furstenberg, part of a course project for MatSE 390AS
In this project we studied the entropy-driven phase transition of a system of hard-disks on the surface of a sphere.
We chose this topic mostly because we didn't find any code or literature dealing with constant NpT simulation on a spherical surface. We would like to see how the implementation and results differ from other approaches.
The goals of our project are as follows:
- Write a complete Monte Carlo program for simulating the two dimensional hard disk system, implementing the constant pressure constraint and spherical boundary condition;
- Obtain the equation of state for the system and radial distribution functions (RDF) at different density;
- Compare the results with those by other methods.
Allen and Tildesley[1987] gave an excellent review of simulation of melting in their book Computer Simulation of Liquids. The tutorial paper by Gould et al.[1997] is very helpful for beginners. Here, we would just give a brief introduction of the background of our study. Interested surfer should consult the book and the reference therein.
The pair potential u(r) between hard disks is given by
where the r is the distance between the disks and s is the diameter of the disks. We notice that the interaction is purely repulsive, so there is no distinct gas and liquid phases. The disordered phase is generally referred to as a fluid.
The existence of fluid-solid transition for hard disks at sufficient high density was one of the first major discoveries from a computer simulation. Alder and Wainwright[1962] did a molecular dynamics simulation of a 870 hard-disk system with periodic boundary condition. They concluded that the hard-disk melting is first order. The also found that melting density is 0.691 and the freezing density is 0.716 (Here we express the density in terms of packing fraction which gives the ratio of the area of the disks to the container area). However, since a phase transition exists only in the thermodynamic limit, it would not be possible to simulate the fluid at the critical point with small systems and finite time. The results could depend strongly on the system size and the nature of the hard-disk transition is still a evolving problem.
Computer simulations are usually performed on limited small number of molecules. Periodic boundary conditions (PBC) are the standard method for eliminating the surfaces. Periodic boundary will be biased in favor of the formation of a solid with a lattice structure which matches the boundaries. Most PBC studies of hard disks use a box ratio of sqrt(3)/2, which favors the formation of single perfect hexagonal lattice. As a result, the equation of state depends on the system size, with larger system encouraging higher transition pressure. Possibly reason is that more defects or even an hexatic phase is allowed to exist in sufficiently large systems[Zollweg and Chester, 1992]
The surface of a sphere has no physical boundaries, yet it is finite. This neatly avoid the surface problem. According to non-Euclidean geometry, the distance between particles is measured along the great circle geodesics joining them. However, the curvature effect will decrease as the system size grows, and such method should be valid for simulating bulk fluid. The advantage here is that there is no preferential direction and it is impossible to pack particles into a perfect close packed configuration.
Wood [1968] first showed that MC method can be extended to isothermal-isobaric ensemble. We use constant-NpT method due to the following consideration:
- In constant-NpT ensemble, The pressure is set as a input parameter, the calculation of the equation of state is more direct. Specifically, the pressure need not to be calculated by extrapolation of radial distribution function to the contact value.
- At constant N, P, T we should not see two phases coexisting in the same simulation cell, as in canonical ensemble.
The Metropolis scheme is implemented by generating a Markov chain of states which has a limiting distribution proportional to
where s = r/Radius is a set a scaled coordinates. A new state is generated by displacing a disk randomly or making a random volume change from Am to An. Moves are accepted with a probability equal to
, where
We select the particles to move sequentially. After one sweep (one attempted move per particle), an attempt to change the volume is made. In practice, we change the lnV instead, which is more convinient for the case volume change is large. The only change to the acceptance/rejection procedure is that the factor N is replaced by N+1. In the hard disk case, a particle move is rejected if it cause overlap, accepted otherwise; the volume decrease is accepted if no overlap happens; the volume increase is accepted with probability
Programs are written in FORTRAN 90. You can find the source code here.
Example of an input file
100 ! run_id 0 0/1 - use existing configuration/generate new 946374734 random seed 100.0 betaP 0.1 max_move_ratio (max_move/sigma) 0.002 max_dlnA (about max_resize/area0) 10000 # of blocks 10 # sweeps in each block
The initial configuration can be read in or generated randomly. In the first case, a "config.dat" file is needed; in the latter case, the shortest distance between particles is chosen as the disk diameter. The initial radius of the sphere is 1.0. The max random move size is usually chosen so that the acceptance ratio is close to 0.5. After a successful run, following files are generated.
- record the initial condition and the final status
- the final configuration
- record the change of density
- record the configurations at certain interval (big file)
Analyzer is used to analyze the density data. The mean is obtained by averaging data from 100,000 -- 200,000 sweeps, depending on the the length of autocorrelation (typically nubmer is 1700 for a 120-disk system at density 0.61). The long correlation time pose a challenge for the psuedo random number generator. In our calculations, the intrinsic generator of the Sun UltraSPARK 2 machine is used. We believe that better random number generator is necessary for simulation of larger systems.
Program rdf.f90 is then used to calculate the radial distribution function from
. Generally, a segment of 500 configuration is used.
The equation of state is obtained by calculating the densities at different reduced pressures (P/kT). Figure 1 shows the results of our 120 hard disks system compared with constant-NVT simulations of larger systems[Giarritta et al., 1992]. The agreement is very well up to the density of 0.67. The discrepancy at higher pressures is most likely due to size effect, as explained by Giarritta. With a 2000 disk system and more extensive calculation of the isothermal compressibility(numerical differentiation of the EOS curve), they concluded that
- at density lower than 0.67, the system is a fluid and without ordering, it is insensitive to curvature effect;
- density 0.67 to 0.71 is a regime that the system undergo the transition from fluid to solid;
- at higher density, the change is a continuous one towards higher spatial ordering.
Our results generally support their conclusion. However, the exact density at which the transitions happen is not clear from our plot. We did not see a certain pressure range that the variance of the density is very large. This is possibly due to the very long correlation time of the simulation or the phase transition is not abrupt.
Figure 2 shows the RDF of 120 hard disks for a number of densities in the range of interest. The radial distance is plotted in the unit of the disk diameter. Although RDF is not very sensitive to local structures than orientational correlation functions, it is easily calculated and can be used to visualize the phase transition approximately. We can the see a split second peak typically of an amorphous solid or glass breaks out at a density of about 0.72. This value is close to 0.71 obtained by Giarritta et al.
- It is effective to use constant-NpT ensemble to study this phase transition. The direct information about pressure is especially convenient;
- The fluid-solid phase transition on a sphere shows continuous characters. Generally, the results depend on the the system size. Method to scale the result on the sphere need to be developed;
- Alder, B. J. and Wainwright, T. E. (1962). Phase transition in elastic disks, Phys. Rev. 127, 359-61.
- Allen, M. P. and Tildesley D. J. (1987). Computer Simulation of Liquids, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Giarritta, S. P., Ferrario, M. and Giaquinta, P. V. (1992) Statistical geometry of hard particles on a sphere, Physica A 187, 456-74.
- Gould, H., Tobochnik, J. and Colonna-Romano, L. (1997). Computer in Physics, 11, 157-163.
- Tobochinik, J. and Chapin, P. M. (1988). J. Chem. Phys. 88, 5824-30.
- Wood, W. W. (1968). Monte Carlo calculations for hard disks in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 415-34
- Zollogand, J. A. and Chester, Melting in two dimensions, G. V. (1992). Phys. Rev. B. 46, 11186-9.