Particle Transport

The simulation considered carbon molecules that are sputtered off of the divertor plate surface due to incident deuterium or tritium ions. In the simulation it was assumed that all of the ejected carbon molecules were neutral methane (CH4), and they initiated at a point (0,0,0). All molecules were assumed to have the same magnitude of initial velocity, which was calculated from the surface temperature, and the angle of the initial velocity was chosen randomly. Since the particles emitted were initally assumed neutral, the electromagnetic fields in the region did not influence their transport. The particles progressed in straight lines until a collision occurred, with probability

where the denominator of the second equation is the rate coefficients, which are specific to the molecule under consideration, multiplied by the plasma density.

Motion of charged particles obeys the Lorentz force equation.

The strong magnetic field confining the fuel also curves the trajectories of the ions under consideration. Also, since electrons are lighter than positive ions, they move faster due to the magnetic field. The resulting separation of charges sets up an electric field due to the space charge. This electric field also contributes to the force as described in the Lorentz equation. The trajectories of the carbon molecule was followed and its ionization state tracked until either the the particle returnedto the divertor wall or the particle exited the simulation box, in which case it was assumed that the particle did not redeposit and instead contributed to impurities in the plasma.