The Physics 486-487 sequence provides an introduction to quantum physics for majors and grad students in Physics, ECE, Materials Science, Chemistry, etc. The course starts by introducing the basic concepts of quantum mechanics: What is a quantum state and what are the rules that specify how it can change and ends by realizing that exactly computing properties of states is hard and sophisticated approximations are required. In between we will see both the exotic parts of quantum mechanics and how to demystify many of these aspects.
Prof. Bryan Clark
e-mail: bkclark_at_illinois_dot_edu
office: 2111 Engineering Sciences Building (ESB)
Garrett Vanacore
e-mail: vanacor2_at_illinois_dot_edu
office: 4121 Engineering Sciences Building (ESB)
Xiongjie Yu
e-mail: xyu40_at_illinois_dot_edu
Srivatsan Balakrishnan (Homeworks 1,4,7,10)
email: sblkrsh2_at_llinois_dot_edu
Jitong Yu (Homeworks 2,5,8,11,14)
e-mail: jyu23 at
Gabi Petrica (Homeworks 3,6,9,12,13)
e-mail: petrica2 at
Homework sets will be due every Wednesday (excepting Aug. 27) by 9PM. Homework sets should be placed in the 486 homework box (located on the north side of Loomis Lab, between rooms 267 and 271 LLP) on the day of the due date. Unless a valid, verifyable excuse is given, homework sets which are submitted late will receive a 50% penalty. Homework sets which are turned in more then a week late will receive no credit. Questions about the grading of a homework must be addressed within two weeks of receiving the assignment back.
The homework counts for a large part of your grade (45%) and will be difficult. You will learn quantum mechanics by doing problems!
You may discuss the homework problems with your classmates, but each student is required to provide his/her own solutions. You may not look up solutions to the homework on the internet.
Your grade will be based on
If you cannot attend a class or complete your homework due to illness or other valid excuse, please give the McKinley slip (or other note) to Kate Shunk in the Undergraduate Courses office (233 Loomis).
The giving of assistance to or receiving of assistance from another person, or the use of unauthorized materials during University Examinations can be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the University. You may not use the internet to find solutions to problems you are working.
The following are the required/recommended course texts:
Other books I highly recommend reading:
Additional books on reserve in the library:
This should be treated as tentative and will change. Please check the website: frequently for updates.
Notice, we will not be following any one book closely.
Week | Date | Lecture | Discussion | Homework | Reading |
1 | 08/26 | What specifies a quantum state? Lecnotes1 |
HW1 (due 09/03) corrected of typos |
Griffiths 3.6; Shankar 1.1 and 1.3.1; Baym Chapter 1; | |
08/28 | Measurement and Expectation Lecnotes2 | Shankar 4.1, 4.2, (- pg 128); Griffiths 1.2, 1.3, 3.2; | |||
2 | 09/02 | Time Evolution + Stationary States Lecnotes3 |
Dis2: p1, p2 Solution: p1 p2 |
HW2 (due 09/11) HW2 Solution | Shankar 1.8, 1.10; Cohen-Tannoudi ch 3; Baym Ch. 14; Griffiths 2.1, 2.2; |
09/04 | Stern-Gerlach experiment + operators Lecnotes4 | Feynman 5.1; Shankar 9.x; Cohrn-Tannoudi 4.A; Griffths 3.5 | |||
3 | 09/09 |
Schrodinger's Equation Lecnotes5 Lecture notes from previous version of course on solving particle in a box: Extra Lecnotes |
Solutions: |
HW3 (due 09/18) |
Shankar 4.3, 5.2; Baym Ch. 4; Griffiths 1.1, 2.1 |
09/11 | Solving the Schrodinger Equation Lecnotes6 | Shankar 1.8; Griffiths 3.3 | |||
4 | 09/16 | The Density Matrix and Finite Temperature Lecnotes7 |
HW4 (due 09/25) HW4 Solution |
Shankar 133-141; Baym Ch1, problems 17,18; Neilsen and Chaung 2.4; Cohen-Tannoudi EIII |
09/18 | Two Particles/Spins Lecnotes8 | Shankar Ch 10; Cohen-Tannoudi DIV; Griffiths Ch 5; | |||
5 | 09/23 |
The simple harmonic oscillator: real space Lecnotes9 Lecture notes from previous version of course on solving SHO |
Dis5 (problem in solutions) |
HW5 (due 10/02) |
Griffiths: 2.3; Shankar: Ch. 7 (-202) |
09/25 | The simple harmonic oscillator: operator expansion Lecnotes10 | Griffiths: 2.3; Shankar: Ch. 7 (-202) | |||
6 | 09/30 | More Simple Harmonic Oscillator Lecnotes11 |
HW6 (due 10/09) |
Griffiths: 2.3; Shankar: Ch. 7 (-202) | |
10/02 | Path Integrals I Lecnotes12 |
Shankar Chapter: The Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Theory; Baym pg 69-79; Also here
7 | 10/07 | Path Integrals II Lecnotes13 |
HW7 (due 10/17) |
Chapter 1 of Quantum Mechanics and Experience by David Z. Albert | |
10/09 | Path Integrals III Lecnotes14 | Shankar Chapter: The Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Theory; Baym pg 69-79; Also here | |||
8 | 10/14 | Summary + Questions | HW8 (due 10/23) HW8 Solution | ||
10/16 | Midterm Exam midterm | ||||
9 | 10/21 |
Quantum Mechanics in higher dimensions
HW 9 (due 10/30) HW9 Solution |
Shankar Chapter: Rotational Invariance and Angular Momentum + Symmetries and their consequences; Griffiths Chaper: Quantum Mechanics in three dimensions. |
10/23 | Angular Momentum I Lecnotes17 |
Shankar Chapter: Rotational Invariance and Angular Momentum + Symmetries and their consequences; Griffiths Chaper: Quantum Mechanics in three dimensions. |
10 | 10/28 | Angular Momentum II Lecnotes18 |
HW 10 (due 11/06) |
Shankar Chapter: Rotational Invariance and Angular Momentum + Symmetries and their consequences + The Hydrogen Atom; Griffiths Chaper: Quantum Mechanics in three dimensions. |
10/30 | The coulomb potential Lecnotes19 |
Shankar Chapter: Rotational Invariance and Angular Momentum + Symmetries and their consequences + The Hydrogen Atom; Griffiths Chaper: Quantum Mechanics in three dimensions |
11 | 11/04 | Beyond the Hydrogen Atom Lecnotes20 | HW11 (due 11/13) HW11sol |
Shankar Chapter: 13.4; Griffiths Chaper: Quantum Mechanics in three dimensions. |
11/06 | Identical Particles + Intro to Quantum Computing Lecnotes21 |
Shankar Chapter: 10; Griffiths Chaper: Chapter 5 |
12 | 11/11 | Shor's Algorithm Lecnotes22 | HW12 (due 11/20) HW12sol |
See John Preksill's notes: - 6.9 - 6.11 |
11/13 | Grovers' Algorithm Lecnotes23 |
See John Preksill's notes: - 6.8 |
13 | 11/18 | A brief overview of QEC and Adiabatic Quantum Computing Lecnotes24 | HW13 (due 12/04) HW13sol |
See John Preksill's notes: for quantum error correction; Chapter 10 of Griffiths for adiabatic theorem |
11/20 | Approximations: The Variational Approach Lecnotes25 |
Chapter 7 of Griffiths; Chapter 16 of Shankar |
14 | 12/02 | The Variational Approach Continued Lecnotes26 | Dis14 |
Chapter 7 of Griffiths; Chapter 16 of Shankar |
12/04 |
Slater-Jastrow + Beyond the Variational Principle Lecnotes27 | |
15 | 12/09 | Questions Lecnotes28 | No HW | ||
12/11 | No class |