Physics 561 - Fall 2005
Suggested Topics for Term Paper
NOTE: You may choose other topics!
Consult with Prof. Martin before you decide on a topic, whether it is on this list or not. It is important that the topics for the different papers do not
overlap too much.
Papers are due during finals
week at the time of presentation to class.
(Normal final exam time to be announced.)
The paper
should be typed in REVTEX format in the style of a Phys Rev
paper, with equations, figures (if needed), and references to the
literature just as in a paper to be published. The final version
should include figures and be in a single postscript or pdf file.
I also want to get the latex file and (postscript figure files)
sent by e-mail. That is the way you would submit it to Phys Rev.
We will help you with REVTEX and making the postscript or pdf
Suggested Topics for Term Paper
- Hubbard Model. A general review is given in the review paper by Imada in the
reserve list. For a term paper, you could start from references given there
and discuss in more detail the sense in which the Hubbard-type models represent
some important types of physical systems, and solutions of the Hubbard-type models.
References include the book by Fradkin and "The Hubbard Model".
- Heisenberg Model. The Heisenberg model describes spins which
interact with each other on different sites in a solid. The spin
dependent interaction ultimately are caused by the Coulomb
interactions between electrons. For a term paper, one possible
topic would be "superexchange" which is the name given by
Anderson to the interactions between spins centered on
neighboring metal sites in insulating compounds like the
transition metal oxides. Another topic could be the
Ruderman-Kittel interactions between spins in metals. In either
case, the basic principles and examples should be given.
- t-J
Model. This is the model for added holes in the CuO
superconductor and antiferromegnetic insulator systems. It is
argued to be derived by simplifying the the periodic generalized
Anderson and Hubbard-type models. References include the review
by Imada, et al., and the review by Dagotto, Rev. Mod Phys 66,
763 (1994).
- Luttinger "Theorem" on the volume enclosed by the Fermi
surface. Luttinger gave the argument which is very often quoted
that in a many-body interacting electron system the volume of the
Fermi surface is the same as in a non-interacting system. His
proof was based upon equating two expressions for the total
number of electrons. Luttinger was careful to state that his
demonstration relies upon the assumption that perturbation theory
converges starting from some non-interacting state - the
conditions for validity of Fermi Liquid Theory. For a term paper
restate Luttinger's proof in terms of diagrammatic summations and
the state any assumptions made. Uses linked cluster
expansion decsribed in Mahan 3.6.
- New
proofs of a geenralized form of the Luttinger "Theorem" that is
much simpler and more general (but subtle). See papers by M.
Oshikawa. A term paper could discuss the nature of the proofs
and go beyond the discussion in class.
J. M.
Luttinger, PR 119, 1153 (1960); Abrikosov, et. al. textbook. See
also R. M. Martin, PRL 48, 362 (1982), and references
- The Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen classification scheme of the transition metal compounds into "charge transfer" insulators and "Mott-Hubbard" insulators. This is argued to be important in the properties of the added carriers in the CuO and related materials, the basis for the t-J model, etc. Discusssed in the review by Imada, et al.
- Double Exchange. This is the mechanism proposed for the ferromagnetism in the "Collosal Magneto Resistance" (CMR) materials studied recently. It is an old model due to Zener, but has been considered in more detail recently. It is discussed in the review by Imada, et al. Here one could describe the model and give experimental evidence for the properies of the CMR materials.
- Evidence for stripe instabilities in strongly correlated
systems. Main references are to Emergy, Kivelson,and Fradkin.
Prof. Martin can help with references.
- Mott
metal-insulator transition. There are many aspects of this very
general problem which is reviewed by Imada, et al.
- Materials systems in which electron correlation causes metal-insulator transitions. Several classes of materials are discussed in the review by Imada, et al.
- The observation of the Fermi surface and the superconducting gap in the high-Tc materials by photoemission. Also dispersion of bands in the related insulators. Much work has been done by many people including Z. X. Shen and coworkers. Many references are in the review by Imada, et al. Recent articles in Science give very different interpretations. Prof. Martin can help with references.
- "GW" Approximation for quasiparticle energies. For a term paper describe Hedin's formulation of the "GW" approximation for quasiparticle self-energies and the Plasmon Pole Approximation for evaluation of this term in a nearly-free-electron-like system. Give the results from at least two recent applications of the GW approximation to solids. L. Hedin & S. Lundquist, Solid State Phys. vol. 23, 1 (1968). Many recent papers (often by S. G. Louie and co-workers) on solids.
- Infinite dimensional methods. As pointed out first by Metzner and Vollhardt, mean field theory is exact infinite dimensions. It is not the usual static mean field theory but a dynamic mean field theory that includes effects of correlation. It is very powerful and suggestive for finite dimensions. An excellent review is by Georges, et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 68, 13 (996) and there is discussion in the review by Imada, et al.
- Bosonization. Transformation of degrees of freedom of a many-electron system into Boson variables. The plasmons of RPA are an example, but it is a more general technique. There is much work by E. Fradkin and by D. Haldane. Discussion can be found in the notes of P. Phillips on reserve.
- A paper P. W. Anderson ( PRL 67, 660 (1991)) referred to an paper from the 1950’s (before BCS) which showed that known experimental information on thermodynamics of superconductors could be used to derive the change in kinetic energy of the nuclei at the superconducting transition. Anderson says this paper "demonstrated ... it is the phonon frequencies which are lowered, and this accounts for the condensation energy [of the superconducting state]." Give the proof on the change in the kinetic energy and comments on Anderson's statement that the lowering of the phonon energies "accounts for the condensation energy ".
- Superconducting Instability in any metallic system. Kohn and Luttinger (PRL 15, 524 (1965)) proposed that in any condensed matter system of fermions there will be long range attractions (e.g. like those in 4He) that can lead to pairing for high angular momentum pair states and thus to superconductivity or superfluidity. A term paper should carefully describe the arguments and check for any recent work on this question.
- A famous paper by W. Kohn (PR A 171 (1964)) entitled "Theory of the Insulating State" showed that electronic states can rigorously be considered to be localized in an insulator whereas they cannot in a metal. This is well known in a crystal: because there is a band gap separating empty from filled bands, the latter can be described by localized Wannier states. Kohn showed that in a disordered insulator with no gap in the density of states the eigenfunctions are also strictly localized. A term paper could restate his theoretical analysis and describe the relation to metallic vs. insulating behavior in disordered materials.
- Dielectric polarization in materials and Berry's phases. The formulation of changes of electric polarization in terms of a Berry's phases involving the variation of the phases of the Bloch functions as a function of the wave vector k has resolved an old problem. A review is in Resta, Rev. Mod. Phys., and a short review by R. M. Martin and Gerardo Ortiz "Recent Developments in the Theory of Electric Polarization in Solids", Solid State Communications 102, 121 (1997). by R. M. Martin in Solid State Communications, and the many-body formulations has been given by G.Ortiz, and R.M.Martin, "Macroscopic polarization as a geometric quantum phase: many-body formulation", Phys.Rev.B 49, 14202 (1994).
- Quantum Hall Effect. Among many possible topics for a term paper could be:
1) A summary of the proof based upon gauge invariance of the integer QHE and the zero resistance effect. The main reference is the short paper by R. G. Laughlin.
2) Description of the way that 2-d electron states in a magnetic field can go around impurities with no scattering, which is crucial for the zero resistance effects. One analysis has been given by R. Prange.
3) Experimental studies of quantization, especially the effects of finite temperature.
4) The role of edge currents in the QHE. Edge effects are essential in the definitions of the voltages in the QHE. Perceptive analyses have been given by B. I. Halperin.
5) The fractional QHE caused by electron-electron interactions.