Physics 580 - Quantum Mechanics - Fall 2016
Meets Monday & Wednesday 2:00-3:20 in 144 Loomis
Instructor: Bryan Clark
Office: ESB 2111
Email: bkclark at illinois dot edu
Office hours: Tuesday 4:00-5:00 (ESB 2111) or by appointment
Homework Graders:
Souvik Dutta
Pak On Chan
Office : 426 Loomis
Office : ESB 4139
Email: sdutta9 [at] illinois [dot] edu
Email: pchan9 [at] illinois [dot] edu
Office hours: Mondays at 1:00
Office hours: Tuesday 3:00-4:00
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1. As I mentioned in class, I'm extending the deadline for homework 3 until Friday October 7 to give everyone more time to work on it.
2. Problem 5 is no longer part of the homework and doesn't need to be done. (An improved simpler version is planned for a future homework)
* Because we didn't get as far as I had anticipated today, problem 7 of homework 2 may be separately submitted until Friday at 5 PM. * I will hold an additional office hour on Thursday at 3PM this week. |
Problem Set 2 (3a) should be exp[tau^2 [A,B]/2] on the rhs (3e) should suggest that it is correct to higher order then the approximation in (3b). |
Problem Set 2 is posted; Problem set 1 solutions are posted
9/12/16 | |
The word "must" in question 3a is a typo. Instead, I am just looking for a property of lambda1 and lambda2 which ensures that v1 and v2 are orthogonal. In question 2c(iii), you may assume that they two states |phi> and |psi> are not orthogonal. | 9/5/16 | |
Problem Set 1 is posted
8/26/16 |
Welcome to 580. See you in class! The syllabus has been posted. Please check here regularly for announcements and updates to lecture notes and problem sets. |
8/19/16 |
Course setup:
Subject Matter: This course will teach you quantum mechanics at a more advanced level then most student's will have seen in undergraduate quantum mechanics. We will attempt to develop a conceptual understanding of quantum phenomena as well as develop expertise at solving quantum problems. We will cover a number of traditional topics including the postulates of quantum mechanics; wave-mechanics; reduced density matrices; simple harmonic oscillator; time evolution; the role of symmetries; atoms and molecules; angular momentum; wkb; path integrals. In addition, we will supplement the traditional material with more modern material including quantum computing, numerical methods, and entanglement.
The heart and soul of this course are the problem sets. It is by doing problems that you will learn quantum mechanics.
Problem sets:
Midterm and final exam instruction
Texts: Here are various useful texts. You'll get the best understanding of quantum mechanics by reading through various expositions of the same material.
In addition to various texts, there are some good notes online. Two of note include: