Electronics Structure of Condensed Matter

Reference Books on Reserve in Library

Text for Course:
Martin, Electronic Structure: Basic theory and practical methods
Background and General Texts :
Ashcroft & Mermin, Solid State Physics
Callaway, J. , Quantum Theory of the Solid State
Harrison, W., Solid State Theory
Jones & March, Theoretical Solid State Physics, vol. 1
Madelung, O., Introduction to Solid State Theory
Ziman, J. M., Principles of the Theory of Solids
Texts and monographs on Electronic Structure :
Callaway, J., Energy Band Theory
Chelikowsky and Cohen, Electronic & Optical Properties of Semiconductors
Fulde, P., Electron Correlation in Molecules and Solids, 2nd Ed.
Harrison, W., Electronic Structure and the Properties of Solids
Harrison, W., Theory of Metals
Lundquist, B. & March, N., Theory of the Inhomogeneous Electron Gas
Kaxiras, E., Electronic Structure
Moruzzi, V. L., et.al., Calculated Properties of Metals
Parr, R. G. & Yang, W., Density Functional theory of Atoms and Molecules
B. L. Hammond, W. A. Lester, P. J. Reynolds, Monte Carlo Methods in Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry
Texts and monographs on many-body theory:
Doniach, S. & Sondheimer, Greens Functions for Solid State Physicists
Fetter, A. & Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems
Hedin, L. & Lundquist, S., Solid State Physics, Vol. 23, p. 1.
Kittel, C., Quantum Theory of Solids
Mahan, G., Many-Particle Physics, 2nd Ed.
Pines, D. Elementary Excitations in Solids
Phillips, P. Advanced Solid State Theory
Thouless, D, The Quantum Mechanics of Many-body Systems
Ziman, J. M., Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory
Other useful Books:
Abrikosov, A., et.al., Quant. Field Th. Methods in Statistical Phys.
Anderson, P. W., Concepts in Solids
Anderson, P. W., Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics
Fradkin, E., Field Theories of Condensed Matter Systems
Koonin, S. E. & Meredith, Computational Physics, Second edition
Kadanoff, L. & Baym, G., Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Mihaly, L. & Martin, R., M., Solid State Physics: Problems and Solutions
Pines, D. & Nozieres, P., Quantum Liquids Vols 1 & 2
Seitz, F., Modern Theory of Solids