Lecture 1: Introduction to Electronic Structure
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Text: "Electronic Structure: Basic theory and practical methods," R. M. Martin (Cambridge University Press, 2004).

Reading: Text: Chapters 1 and 2.

This first lecture is a general introduction to the observed properties of electrons in matter, and to key issues in current theory of electronic structure. The overview stresses physical phenomena with a minimum of equations, following Chapters 1 and 2 of the text. The goal is to give a qualitative introduction to the issues presented by the fascinating array of phenomena and the role of electronic structure in providing fundamental understanding and predictive power.

  1. Development of Electronic Structure
  2. Classification of Electronic Properties of Materials: Ground State vs. Excited State Properties
  3. Nature of Electronic States in Materials: Delocalized Band-like vs. Localized Atomic-like
  4. Key Steps in Theoretical Work
  5. Outline of course