Lecture 2: Theoretical Background
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Reading: Text: Chapter 3.

The background needed for this course is basic quantum mechanics at the level of the first graduate course. Additional background on solid state physics is advantageous for the student: although we will attempt to make the course self-contained including derivations of all the important concepts, there is not time to cover all the background in depth.

This lecture and the material in chapter 3 of the text is meant to be a refresher of basic expressions for the fundamental hamiltonian, rigorous properties of the many-electron system, the Hartree-Fock approximation, perturbation theory, and the simplifications of the expressions in independent particle approximations.

  1. The fundamental hamiltonian: Eq. (3.1)
  2. Important properties of the many-electron system
  3. Independent-particle approximation for the electrons
  4. Beyond Hartree-Fock - Correlation
  5. Useful note on perturbation theory - "2n+1" theorem