Lecture 12: Atomic Sphere Methods: Augmentation, Green's Functions and Linearization
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Link to WEIN2k - LAPW code. This code is available only upon request to the developers. It is probably the best developed code that uses the augmentation methods

See the overview of methods on pages 233-235 of the text, especially the last part on atomic sphere methods. The key idea of these methods is to divide space into two types of regions: 1) spheres around each atom and 2) the interstitial region between the spheres. The Kohn-Sham equations are solved in each region and the conditions for a solution in all space are cast as a set of boundary matching conditions. There are various ways to do this which has lead to the APW, KKR and MTO methods. A key idea is "linearization" which greatly simplifies the methods and has lead to the LAPW and LMTO methods.

For discussion see the text, Chapters 16-17.
Nitty-gritty details are given in the monograph by D. J. Singh, "Planewaves, Pseudopotentials, and the APW Method", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1994.

These methods provide many possibilities for projects - to go beyond the limited discussion possible in class

  1. The muffin-tin approximation for the potential
  2. The APW method (Slater)
  3. The KKR method
  4. The MTO method
  5. Advantages
  6. Disadvantages
  7. Linearization
  8. Examples of results for molecules and solids