Lecture 15: Linear Response, Perturbation Theory, and the "2n+1 Theorem
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Reading:Chapter 19, App. D (also related to App. E)

Today marks a turning point in the course. Although the "many-body" parts of the course are listed on the schedule as starting with lecture 18, response functions are especially important in explicit many-body theoretical methods. The theory of response functions will be useful later, even though the examples at this point all involve independent-particle methods.

Response functions are the "bread and butter of theoretical physics directly related to important properties and experimental measurements. Elegant textbook formulations reveal key ideas, and equally elegant reformulations of the problem yield efficient methods that have made possible new advances in or ability to predict properties ad phenomena. Lattice vibrations provide a key example. The advances in algorithms have led to entirely new abilities to predict phonon dispersions, anharmonic terms, etc.
Key References:
Review: "Phonons and related properties of extended systems from density-functional perturbation theory", S. Baroni and S. de Gironcoli and A. Dal Corso", Rev. Mod. Phys. 73,515-562 (2001).
Green's-function approach to linear response in solids, S. Baroni, P. Giannozzi, and A. Testa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 1861-1864 (1987); Also P. Giannozzi, S. de Gironcoli, P. Pavone, and S. Baroni, Phys. Rev. B 43, 7231-7242(1991).
Density-functional approach to nonlinear-response coefficients of solids, X. Gonze and J.-P. Vigneron, Phys. Rev. B 39, 13120-13128 (1989).

  1. Response functions and perturbation theory (App. D)
  2. Lattice vibrations and phonon dispersion curves (Chap. 19)
  3. Lattice vibrations with forces determined from the electrons, e.g., Kohn-Sham DFT
  4. The breakthrough - New approach for linear (and non-linear) response functions
  5. Further developments
  6. Conclusions