Lecture 16: Electronic Polarization and Localization in Solids: Berry's phases and Wannier Functions
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Reading:Chapter 21 and 22 (also mention ideas in Ch. 23)

It is a great advantage to reformulate the electronic structure problem in terms of localized states. This is widely used in chemistry for practical reasons and provides the basis for "Order-N" methods (Ch. 23, which we will describe briefly). Wannier functions (Ch. 21) provide the fundamental transformation; however, until recently they were used almost exclusively only for formal proofs because of their non-uniqueness. The advent of "maximally-localized" functions provides a practical approach with elegant, rigorous connections to the ideas of polarization and localization (Ch. 22).

The ability to sustain a macroscopic polarization and the lack of conductivity at zero temperature are the defining properties of dielectrics (insulators and semiconductors) distinguishing them from conductors (metals and superconductors). We will review the basic concept of polarization and the subtleties that arise in an infinite solid, which lead to the surprising result that the polarization in the bulk of a dielectric is not directly determined by the bulk electronic density (often stated incorrectly in the well-known textbooks). It is only in the last decade that it has been possible to determine the polarization from the quantum wave function - as a "Berry's phase" in terms of the phases of the Bloch wave functions. Elegant - but surprising - expressions make possible practical calculations now widely used. The expressions can also be understood using the Wannier representation, where the formulas have an intuitive form and provide the correct fundamental expressions that justify the final formulas quoted in textbooks such as the Clausius-Mosotti relations. Finally this leads us to the fundamental definition of "localization" and quantitative expressions for the localization length in an insulator.

Review: "Macroscopic polarization in crystalline dielectrics: the geometric phase approach", R. Resta, Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 899-915 (1994).
Key papers:
"Theory of the Insulating State", W. Kohn, Phys. Rev. 133, A171-181 (1964)
"Theory of Polarization of crystalline solids", R. D. King-Smith and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 47, 1651 (1993).
"Polarization and localization in insulators: generating function approach", I. Souza and T. J. Wilkens and R. M. Martin", Phys. Rev. B 62, 1666-1683 (2000).

  1. Wannier Functions (Ch. 21)
  2. Electronic Polarization and Localization in Solids: Berry's phases (Chap. 22)
  3. Geometric Berry's phase expression for Polarization
  4. Relation to Wannier functions
  5. Localization in an insulator
  6. Conclusions