Lecture 18a: Background for many-body interacting-particle methods - second quantization
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Background: Good description is texts listed below.

  • Fetter, A. L. and J. D. Walecka, "Quantum Theory of Many-particle Systems" (McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971), (Reprinted in paperback by Dover) This book presents quantum field theory in careful detail. The notation is followed here and the reader is referred to this text for more complete discussion.
  • Ziman, J. M., "Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory", (Cambridge University Press, 1969). (paperback) provides a very well-written description of second quantization with simple examples.
  • Feynman, R. P.,"Statistical Mechanics: A set of lectures", (The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts, 1970.) (paperback) presents the ideas in a very direct, concise way.
  • Mahan, G. D. "Many-Particle Physics, 3rd Ed." (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000). Compendium of problems in many-body physics.

    The key point of "Second Quantization" is that the expectation value of the hamiltonian with a quantum wavefunction for one particle (for one-body terms) or two particles (for 2-body interaction terms) is "quantized again", writing it as an operator that applies for any number of particles. The creation and annihilation operators obey commutation rules the enforce the proper symmetries. This is of great value in dealing with the myriad terms that appear in perturbation theory expansions for interacting-particle systems.

    1. Second quantization
      • Field operators for bosons and fermions
      • Commutation rules
      • Expressions in terms of an orthonormal basis, e.g., plane waves
    2. Hamiltonian for interacting electrons
      • Interaction terms
      • Diagrammatic representation of perturbation expansion for interaction terms - Feynman diagrams
      • Example of Jellium
    3. Hartree Fock approximation
      • Example of Jellium
    4. Fundamental problem in series of diagrams