Lecture 25: Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT)
Applications: Magnetic oxides, metal insulator transitions, rare earths, actinides
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Link to html version of ppt slides for lecture 25. Those note contain information for this lecture. Additional information is in handwritten notes available from Prof. Martin.

G. Kotliar and D. Vollhardt, Phsyics Today, March 2004. K. Held, et al., Psi_k highlight, April 2003 available at psi-k.dl.ac.uk/newsletters/News 56/Highlight 56.pdf

Dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) introduces a dynamical (frequency dependent) field analogous to the classical Weiss mean field in magnetism

The key result is that a lattice problem is reduced to a self-consistent Anderson impurity model

A critical difference form the impurity problem is that the self-consistent impurity model represents an infinite system and the self-consistent solution can have a phase transition to an ordered state, e.g., a ferromagnet, antiferromagnet, insulator, ....

We present results for representative cases - Ce, Pu, .... for spectra and for total energies